Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Holy pants! It’s a new blog post!

Yes folks, that's right. John is now using the word "blog" instead of "blag". Why? Who knows.

Crap, I don't actually have anything to blog about… hrmmmmm

I'll probably have something later. Come back then…

Thursday, October 11, 2007

omg jame!

Kitten pictures:



yay jane :)
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Weedeater engine sans muffler

So today I got bored again, so I decided to go outside and work on the weedeater engine, see if I could get fuel to stop leaking around the tank gasket, get the mixture trims set just right, etc. Once I got that stuff done (fuel line needs a new gasket thing) I decided to have some 'fun' and take off the muffler, and run it. It works, but it results in a VERY loud and shakey engine, instead of a highpitched grumble there is a high pitched cackle, and it's almost impossible to control.

I attempted taking a video of it with leTreo650, this is what I got:

Unfortunately, it doesn't sound much different than when I ran it with the muffler on. Kinda bummed about that.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

How to burn through GoPhone money in seconds!

I was Googling around randomly the other day, like I often do, and I found Google maps for palm. On a whim, I downloaded and installed it on my treo650, and it runs like a charm. However, it has a little indicator up in the top right hand corner, showing how much stuff has been downloaded. Within, oh, maybe 45 seconds of poking around, it was well above 200k (not sure exactly what it got to). I then realized that I am charged $0.10 per KB. That fun little session of Google mapping cost me over $2!

Not a huge deal I suppose, considering I have about $114 in GoPhone monies, but I don't think I'm going to use google maps anymore...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

not cool. (literially)

Well this really sucks. It's October, and it's 84 degrees outside! It should be like, lower 70s upper 60s!

Dang you climate change... *shakes fist*

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

woo stuff!

Tonight in crisco class we had the module 6 exam, which was pretty intense, took me about 20 minutes to complete, but I got a 97% so it doesn't really matter.

I've almost finished my plane, even thought I KNOW I said I would try and take it slower and whatever.

I've got the fuselage, wings, rudder, and elevators done. I lost some of the precut parts for the elevators, so I made my own. woo.

Now I just have to put all that mess together, and I'll have a plane of sorts!

Monday, October 1, 2007


As none of you obviously know, the only hobby shop that resided (resode?) in greenville left 6 months (or so) ago, apparently gone forever. This troubled me, because I enjoy(ed) going there and browsing through the models making stuff and the model kits and such things. Apparently, they've returned, still in the mall, just in a different area (spensers took over their old place, whooptie doo). I went there today, with mom, and browsed around a bit. They're pretty much the same, but most of their art stuff is gone, and they sell alot of crappy toys now, many of them being the cheapy made-in-china-coated-in-lead ones, the ones that build character. Turns out they do still sell Guilow's balsa model aircraft, the ones that even fly if you don't build 'em like I do! I decided to get one, its a Cessna "Bird Dog", cost about $8.

I've had two of these in the past. My first one was a P-51 Mustang. Dad and I got in back in like, 1999, and we built the fuselage, but never went any further. Later, in 2003 or so, I decided to bust it out and work on it. I made the wings and tail section, but never got around to skinning it, so it never had a chance to fly. I bought it to school one day for a show-and-tell type dealie in 7th grade, and it got destroyed, so I tossed it.

Then I got another one, by the same company, a "chipmunk". Quite a nice little plane, I built it fast, in about 3 days. however, when i was making it, I had it pinned too tightly to the workboard, so the right elevator was warped when it came out. Never the less, I skinned it, and mounted the propeller and everything. It flew a grand total of one time, upon landing it hit some concrete steps and the right wing was smashed within seconds. A bit disapointing. I think it got trashed eventually as well.

I hope this one goes better. I have a better workspace this time, and I'm not going to try and rush through it, so hopefully I end up with a nice plane, weather or not it flies.